Thursday, August 21, 2008

t-minus twelve days . . .

The closest I ever came to blogging was writing "THIS time I'm going to write in you every single day" in the first page of every diary I've ever been given. They say that writing is therapeutic. I don't know about that. I just know I'll try to keep you posted on my adventures in the home country. To be truthful, I'm not off to a great start - it took me nearly an hour to even pick a name, which, to those who may have forgotten, references our awful counselor t-shirts in 2005. This is actually my blog in English. Enjoy it.


ebs said...

i am so confused. we need to talk. are you moving to israel? do you have skype? xo

emily said...

hi pretty! its emily. i remember those shirts. and i miss you.

Voyagerfan5761 said...

Hi lex! It's your cousin. I like the site so far.

It only took you an hour to pick a name? That's not too bad, actually. When I named my blog it took a really long time. As in, I shifted the process of creating a moniker to the back of my mind and waited a few days to see what I could come up with. Anyway, your new site will soon be added to my feed reader and the blog list on my own blog. It's great to see another person I know start to blog!